Complete Unit 13+
Day-to-day lesson plans and activities you can use in your classroom

Phase 1
Activate Vocabulary & Cultural Background Knowledge |
- Activate student prior knowledge of summer vacation.
- Gain basic understanding of the dialogue through skimming and scanning;
- Identify main actions and parts of speech in a dialogue.
- Activate students’ lexical knowledge with lexical maps.
Activity 1
Vocabulary building in context. (phase1 activity1 ppt)
Activity 2
Activate background knowledge through comparing similarities and differences in summer break between China and the United States. (phase1 activity 2 ppt)
Activity 3
- Provide students the worksheet (phase1 activity3 dialogue).
- Divide students in pairs. Each pair scans the dialogue to identify the main action verb in each sentence to grasp the main idea of the text. Two steps:
- Browse the dialogue and circle activity words or related verbal phrases.
- Categorize the words related to summer activities which students circled in the last practice into two groups:
- activities that Chinese students like to do in Summer;
- and, activities that American students like to do in summer;
- please note that not all the words can be categorized into these two groups.
Phase 2
Utilize Grammar Knowledge to Enhance Automaticity |
- Develop automaticity and fluency through read-aloud tasks with attention to proper word boundaries, stress, neutral tones, intonation and tempo.
- Identify VO structures in the text, master phrase structures, grammar points and discourse markers.
- Use rauding exercises to enhance in-depth comprehension.
Use the PPTs in (phase2 PPT) with the following activities.
Activity 1: Word recognition (Warm-up)
- Divide students in pairs. Give each pair (phase2 activity1 word recognition). Students work together to identify correct words from the vocabulary list, using phonological or morphological cues to distinguish the target words from the distractors.
Activity 2: Sentence read-aloud task
- Use the worksheet in (phase2 activity2 ReadAloudTask) to guide students to do the read aloud task.
- Step 1 in the worksheet guides their attention to word boundaries. Step 2 focuses on the parallel structure used. Step 3 asks students to identify VO structures. Step 4 guides students to notice the neutral tone used. Step5 guides students to notice the discourse markers that mark the relationships between sentences.
- Instructor models the reading of the dialogue (phase1 activity3 dialogue). Draw students’ attention to accuracy, automaticity/fluency, and expression and provide students immediate feedback.
Activity 3: Higher-level reading skills: rauding, inferences and prediction
- Distribute the worksheet (phase2 activity3 ReadingSkills). Ask students to scan the 10 sentences and identify the target word ‘打工’.
- Divide students in pairs and ask students to work together to summarize the viewpoint of each sentence. Teacher checks their work.
- Proceed to Task (d) in the worksheet. Students read between lines and make inferences about the opinions expressed by the 10 statements. Fill the expressions that represent either one of the opinions.
Assign students to record their reading of the dialogue. Provide them the rubric of read aloud (phase2 ReadAloudRubric) which is used to evaluate their reading aloud task. |
Phase 3
Engage Students in Task-based Extended Reading
Through Guided Activities |
- Extract information from extensive readings relevant to travel and itinerary.
- Ask appropriate questions to obtain information for making a travel plan.
- Gain cultural understanding and functional knowledge of traveling in China.
Use the PPTs in (phase2 PPT) with the following activities.
Activity 1: 长城攻略 Warm-up Activity
- Activate students' background knowledge (if there is any) of the Great Wall and foreground the task of planning how to go to the Great Wall.
- Give students a map of Great Wall which is on the first of the worksheet (phase3 ER Great Wall). Discuss what they know about Great Wall and if they or their friends have been there. Questions and answers must be in Chinese.
Activity 2: 长城攻略 Guided Practice
- Provide students the worksheet (phase3 ER Great Wall) and ask them to scan and skim the information of the three methods to get to the Great Wall. Then, fill in the form on page 2 in the worksheet.
- Teacher checks their finding through asking questions. Make sure they comprehend the information.
- Divide students in pairs. Each pair read the WebChat between two people on page 3 and discuss which method they should suggest based on the information of the WebChat. Write their suggestion in the form.
- Teacher confirms the method.
Activity 3: 冬季北京的必需品& 吃货眼中的中国 Group Practice
- Independent reading. After students have completed the guided and group practice of three extensive readings. Assign this homework, and students are required to complete the task independently.
Phase 4
Summative Assessment |
- Review the homework.
- Evaluate students’ ability to ask appropriate questions to obtain information for making a travel plan.
- Develop a travel plan to be presented in next class.
Activity 1: 北京饭店选择Discussion
Go over Phase 3 homework 1 (北京饭店选择) to make sure students complete the independent reading practice successfully. Answer any questions they may have.
Activity 2: Travel Inquiry (assessment)
Use the worksheet to assess if students can ask correct questions to obtain the information needed to plan a trip (phase4 Travel Inquiry).
Activity 3: Making a travel plan (assessment)
- Students have read five articles: the intensive reading text 暑假计划, and four extensive reading blog posts: 长城攻略,冬季北京的必需品, 吃货眼中的中国and 北京饭店选择.
- Divide students in small groups of three. Each group develops a detail 5-day travel plan with itinerary which provides transportation sightseeing, hotel and dining arrangement. The plan also includes packing preparation.
- After each group decides the cities/places in China, students in each group are assigned different tasks in search for the information necessary to arrange the 5-day trip.
- Group discussion: Discuss the research findings and finalize the travel plan.
- The travel plan should be submitted in next class. The rubric to evaluate the plan is in (Rubric for Travel Plan).
- Each group presents their plans using PPT slides in next class.