Complete Unit 9-12
Day-to-day lesson plans and activities you can use in your classroom

Day 1
- Activate background knowledge
- Retrieve prior knowledge on body parts and physical attributes
- Introduce new vocabulary on personality descriptions
Activity 1
Activate prior knowledge. Play an edited clip from非诚勿扰.
(The clip is on Read-On Site, click ‘9-12 files’) Students are asked to describe the main characters and purpose of the clip. Teacher is to ask students for ways to
Activity 2
Students are asked to describe celebrities with past structures. (Day 1 background celebrities)
Activity 3
Prior vocabulary check list (Day 1 background vocabulary check). Use this handout to guide students into activating vocabulary and sentence patterns from the past to describe physical attributes.
Activity 4/HW
New vocabulary flashcard (Day 1 vocabulary flashcard). The first half should be completed for Day 1 and second half for Day 2. Or, done prior to starting the unit.
Day 2
- Present new vocabulary in context
- Pre-reading article:
- Comprehension questions
Activity 1
Vocabulary sorting (Day 2 vocabulary sorting). New vocabulary is introduced and students are asked to sort them into three categories.
Vocabulary use in context (Day 2 vocabulary sorting)
Reading (Day 2 pre reading activity). This reading contains less than 1% of new character, therefore is aimed to provide review for students and boost student confidence in reading.
Day 3
- Use vocabulary in context and target linguistic pattern
- Review grammar pattern 1: 被 Noun + Verb 了
- Conduct student survey
Activity 1
Present a Disney character PPT (Day3 characters in cartoons) to help students review the new vocabulary words.
- Ask students to describe some of the Disney characters’ physical and personality traits.
- Ask students what the common characteristics these Disney characters’ share.
- Ask students to choose one Disney character that can most represent personalities they desire to have and explain why.
Activity 2 (Day3 characters in cartoons)
- Use Slide 5-6 to present Beijing Opera characters to activate students’ prior knowledge.
- Have students work in pairs and discuss the personalities traits each of the colors (red, white, black, blue, and gold) on the face of the Beijing Opera characters represent.
Activity 3 (Day 3 and 4 grammar)
- Present PPT to help students review grammar pattern 1: 被 Noun + Verb 了
- Present PPT with pictures. Students are encouraged to incorporate vocabulary words using 被…吸引了pattern.
Activity 4 (Day 3 HW 高中生交友调查)
- Pass out the survey [高中生交友调查]. Explain what students are expected to do.
- Students can interview two classmates if there is extra class time. If not, students should complete the survey after class. The survey is due tomorrow.
Character Activity & Homework (Day 3 famous characters)
1. Students work in pairs.
2. Select three well known characters from famous movies or books, then write two sentences describing the characters of their choices.
Students should use as many physical and personality traits as possible to describe the characters.
Day 4
- Familiarized with the patterns “被...吸引“,”连...都.
Activity 1. Review/Check. (Day 3 and 4 grammar)
Use the power point slides to review the patterns and vocabulary learned previous lesson.
Example sentences:
1. 他们被游戏吸引了。
3. 他很有天赋,连俄文都会说。他学了五年的中文,连这个字都不会写。
Activity 2. Survey Results. (Day 4 survey activity)
Students share the results of their surveys. Work in a group and find out the top 3 desirable personal traits that a boy/girl would want for a date and the most undesirable personal trait that a boy/girl would want for a date. The group will report to the class about their findings by using “被...吸引“,”连...都patterns.
Example sentences: 那三个男孩子被温柔的女孩子吸引了。
Activity 3
Rehearsal of language use. Students work in pairs. Select three characters from the movie or the fiction and use 2 sentences to describe their personal traits by using the patterns.
Make three power point slides to introduce three characters you choose and give one sentence on each slide to describe that character.
Day 5
- Using reading strategies to familiarize text #1 征友启示
Warm-up/Set up discussion. Quickly (less than 2 minutes) introduce the reading material source, writing style, etc. (without giving away the content) (Day 5 reading article friend search)
Activity 1: Pre-reading activity
(Day 5 pre reading friend search)
- Unknown to familiar: highlight newly learned vocabulary and grammar structure
- Known to unknown: Guide students to use learned grammar to figure out meaning of a few sentences
Activity 2: During-reading activity
(Day 5 during reading friend search)
- Let students read the article
- Introduce questions focus on facts and details
- Let student complete the questions
- Introduce questions which focus on inference and higher level thinking
- Let complete the questions
Activity 3: Post-reading activity / assessment
(Day5 post reading friend search)
- Assign writing assignment (with Day 5 Writing rubric)
- Let the whole class brainstorm inventory of vocabulary which might be used in the writing assignment. (during this activity, each student should write down vocabulary list that he/she will use in the writing assignment)
Start to write the assignment in class, and complete as homework.
Day 6
- Activate prior knowledge
- Using reading strategies to familiarize text #2 初恋
(Day 6 reading article first love)
(Day 6 and 7 with instruction for activities)
Activity 1 Pre-Reading (by strategies)
- Predicting - Students make prediction from the title
- Scanning –
- Students underline all the description words that refer to appearance
- Students circle all the description words that refer to personality (scanning)
- Skimming –
- Students identify the three main characters and label them in Diagram #1. (Day 6 Graphic organizers first love)
- Students write the description words they circled/underlined, on the person that they refer to.
Activity 2 During-Reading (by strategies)
Activity 3 Post-Reading
Based on the story told by the girl, write a story from the boy’s or Xiao Qing’s perspective. Be creative and imaginative.
- Use Patterns: 1.“被…吸引”, 2. “连…都”
The story should include descriptions of feeling, appearance and personality of various characters.
(Day 6 story writing rubrics first love)
Day 7
- Using reading strategies to familiarize text #2 初恋
(Post Reading continues)
Activity 1 Pair work
- Based on the story, use your imagination to write a dialogue between the girl and the boy about the moment when the girl spoke to the boy about the coming dancing party. Create your own ending.
- Role-play your conversation. You may invite a guest actress/actor to play Xiao Qing/Xiao Li.
(Day 7 dialogue rubrics first love)
Day 8
- Assess reading comprehension
- Assess use of reading strategies
Activity 1. Reading Assessment (Day 8 assessment reading)
If time allows (the assessment was designed for 40 minutes of class time).
Day 9-10
- Students can provide physical descriptions and personality traits in a persuasive format, posted on a school blog.
- Students can solicit and provide specific information to conduct an interview.
- Students can analyze the gathered information and select the best choice to meet specific criteria.
Day 9 Activity
Each student will select to be Person A or B. It would be ideal to have an even split of Persons A and B. Students will work on writing the advertisement and post it on the blog.
(Day 9 summative assessment project and blog writing rubric)
Day 10 Activity
Each student will bring a print copy of his/her advertisement. The class should form in an inner/outer circle or format conducive to conduct “Speed Dating”. Each student will also receive an interview checklist. Person As and Bs will rotate to conduct interview no more than 5 minutes. At the end of all rotations, class will determine how many “matches” have been made. A “match” is made when both parties have selected each other as interested parties. For example, if Person A1 interviews five Person Bs. Person A1 will only have a match if one of the Person B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, also selected Person A1 as a “like”. Teacher should debrief at the end of the lesson.
(Day 10 speed dating checklist)
(Day 10 interpersonal assessment rubrics)