Complete Unit 6-8
Day-to-day lesson plans and activities you can use in your classroom

Curriculum Powerpoint
Day 1
- Introduce his/her best friend’s name, age, grade and hobbies.
- Predict some content in the email based on the first sentence
Activity 1 -Review/Activate Prior Knowledge
Each student interviews a classmate about his/her best friend based on what they have already learned. Use the following questions and write down the information on the worksheet.
Question 1: 请问,你的好朋友叫什么名字?
Question 2: 他/她今年多大?
Question 3: 他/她上几年级?
Question 4: 他/她的爱好是什么?
Activity 2
- Students compile the collected information.
- Pair work: Tell each other about the classmate that you interview.
- The teacher invites two students to report to the class.
Activity 3 Pre-Reading: Make prediction (Slides #3-6)
(Day 1 电子邮件我的好朋友小丽)
- Divide students in small groups
- Projects the first sentence of the email to the class. (Slide #5)
- Ask students to predict the content in this email
- Each group discusses and makes a list of their prediction.
- Ask each group to share their prediction.
Activity 4 Skimming
- Give students the text of paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 to students.
- Ask students to skim Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 in the email. (Day 1 电子邮件我的好朋友小丽)
- Check if they make correct predictions.
- Ask students to identify the main ideas of the first 2 paragraphs using the following guiding questions.
Q1: Who is the main character? ____________
Q2: Find one word to describe the main character?_______
Q3: What’s the main character favorite game?_____
Q4: What’s the main character’s hobby? ___________
Activity 5: Pre-assessment
- Students skim the text and underline the words unknown to them.
- Students write down the unknown words on a blank chart.
- Collect students’ charts and use them as resource to prepare for Day 2 lesson plan.
Activity 6: Fun with the word飞毛腿 (Slides #14-15)
- Show students these 3 characters one by one.
- Ask students to use TPR to demonstrate the meaning of 飞、毛、腿.
- Asks students to brainstorm the meaning of the word “飞毛腿”.
- Use the online tool “Yellow Bridge” http://www.yellowbridge.com/ to find out the radical, pinyin, and meanings of the following words 浓浓的、飞毛腿、捉迷藏、剪刀、决定、当. Students use the worksheet to complete the assignment (Day 1 汉字练习单)
- Illustrate “飞毛腿“. Give students the worksheet (Day 1 作业任务单) to take home. They can illustrate “飞毛腿“ by using arts and crafts or electronic tools to do the drawing.
- Ask students to bring a photo of his/her best friend
Day 2
- Describe a person’s appearance using newly learned words and grammatical structures
- Compare after-school activities in China and USA.
Activity 1: Vocabulary Instruction
Based on the homework for Day 1:
- Students work in pairs to check the meaning, radical and pinyin for each character and new words.
- Project new vocabulary on the whiteboard and select students to write pinyin, radical and meaning on the whiteboard.
- Lead students to practice the pronunciation of the new words.
- Students in pairs to use the new words to make sentences.
- Select students to read aloud the sentences they made.
- Students in pairs work on the exercise for radicals. (Slide #20)
Activity 2: Grammatical structure 长得
- Practice the pattern长得using pictures (see PPT slides #21-25)
Q: 她/他长得怎么样?
- 中文歌 虹彩妹妹
- Describe your classmate’s look
- Have one student come to the front
- The rest of class will use the new structure 长得 to describe this student’s look
Actvity 3
- Students should have brought a photo of their best friends.
- Students in pairs describe his/her best friend’s appearance to the partner.
- Select several students to describe their friends in front of the class.
Activity 4: Skim and Read Paragraph 1 and 2
- Skim the two paragraphs to identify the main information, using the following guiding questions.
Q1: 谁是小龙的好朋友?
Q2: 小丽多大了?
Q3: 小丽上几年级?
Q4: 小丽长得怎么样?
Q5: 小丽喜欢玩什么?
Q6: 为什么小丽的朋友叫她“飞毛腿”?
- Students read paragraph 1 and 2 to each other.
Activity 5: Compare after-school activities (Slides #28)
- Watch the video-捉迷藏
- Discuss the differences between “捉迷藏“and “Hide and Seek,” such as word order and rules.
- Guide students to compare other after-school activities in China and USA.
Activity 6
Review new words by play a game created by Tagxedo. (slide #29)
Homework: Fill in the blanks about your best friend, then draw a picture of him or her. (slide #30)
Day 3
- Use the grammatical pattern (先、然后、最后) to describe event sequence.
- Compare the difference of the term of the hand game “剪刀石头布” and “Rock Paper Scissors”.
Activity 1: (slides #33-35)
- Demonstrate the sentence structure 先、 然后、最后, using TPRS我先起床,然后吃早饭,最后上学。
- Use the pictures in (Day 3 Sentence Pattern Playing cards) to practice the new grammatical structures.
- Students draw three pictures in sequence and use the structure 先、 然后、最后 to describe the events.
(Day 3 语法任务单)
Activity 2: Fun with Chinese game_剪刀石头布 (slides #36)
- Demonstrate how to play 剪刀石头布.
- Students play 剪刀石头布
- Think-Pair-Share: compare the differences between Chinese hand game “剪刀石头布” with American “Rock Paper Scissors”.
Activity 3
- Students in pairs skim the Paragraph 3 and identify the main ideas. Use the worksheet to check students’ comprehension (Slide #41).
- Check their understanding of unfamiliar words in Paragraph 3.
- Students in pairs read paragraph 3 to each other
- Ask students the questions related to paragraph 3, such as
Q1: 他们玩什么游戏?
Q2: 谁在玩游戏?
Q3: 怎么玩这个游戏?
Q4: 他们觉得这个游戏怎么样?
Activity 4
- Draw comic strips to show how to play the game ‘hide and seek’ and provide a short description for each drawing.
- Post the comic strips with descriptions on the classroom wall.
- Students use Google Voice, cell phone to record what he/she did today after school in sequence.
- Use the online dictionary ‘yellow bridge’ to look up the new words. Write down the meaning and pinyin for each word, and make a sentence using the word (帅,酷,好看,英俊,可爱,壮, 高, 漂亮,可爱,好看,美丽,苗条)
Day 4
- Describe a person’s appearance
- Reply his/her pen pal’s email using the new words and sentence patterns
Activity 1: Main Ideas for each paragraph
- Students in small groups summarize the main idea of each paragraph in one sentence.
- Identify key word and examples to provide supporting details (use the graphic organizer on Slide #44)
Activity 2: Reading Comprehension Check
Students in pairs answer the comprehension questions on the worksheet in Slide #45)
Activity 3
Students in pairs describe the appearance of celebrities. (Slide #46)
Activity 4
- Us又...又to describe the person in each of the pictures(Slide #47-48)
- Use 又...又structure and adjective words to complete a short passage in Slide #49)
Activity 5: 重叠字
- Use the adjectives for color, shape, size and taste to practice adjective phrases, such as 黑黑的, 大大的。(Slide #50)
- Students in pairs and use重叠字to describe a person, for example, 姚明长得又高又帅,眼睛小小的, 头发黑黑的 , 耳朵大大的。(Slide #51-54)
Activity 6: Exercise for new words and patterns
Students work in pairs. Circle the best answer to complete each statement or question in Slide #55.
Activity 7: Write an email
Students start to write an email to reply to the penpal in class (use the graphic writing organizer in Slide #57). The email focuses on describing one’s best friend, his/her name, age, family, looks, talents, hobbies as well as the activities you two like to do together.
Homework: Complete the emails.
Day 5
Objectives (Summative Assessment)
- Interpretive task: identify the main ideas and supporting details in a text.
- Interpersonal task: Provide and obtain information regarding each other’s best friend.
Interpretive Task
- Review/identify the reading strategies (predicting, skimming, scanning) to facilitate comprehension.
- Give students the article. Students read the article and complete the reading comprehension questions. .
(Day 5 我的偶像文章)(Day 5 我的偶像阅读测验)
Interpersonal Task
- Students in pairs brainstorm to formulate questions to find out classmates’ best friends and write the questions on the white broads. Teacher selects several students to share the questions.
- Explain the interpersonal task using the worksheet in (Day 5 Interview task sheets). Students read the instructions provided on the task sheet, and teacher checks their understanding.
- Teacher goes through the rubrics with the students. (Day 5 Interpersonal Rubrics)
During the interpersonal task:
- Student follows the prompts on the ‘Interview Task Sheets” to find someone in class he/she has not interviewed before. Find out the information regarding each other’s best friend and complete the task.
- After students pair up, the teacher handouts an audio-recording device for each group to record their dialogue. Depending upon the policy of each school and classroom, personal devices are another option. Teacher facilitates the process and provides assistance as needed.
Post -task
- Teacher collects Task Sheet (1) and their recordings.
- Evaluate students’ speaking performance by listening to the their recorded dialogues and provide students feedback using the rubrics form.
- Assign students to record the penpal’s email ‘电子邮件我的好朋友小丽’ focusing on oral fluency and accuracy. If teacher has a Google Voice number, have students call to complete the assignment.
- Teacher can listen to part or whole of the recording of each student. Check on accuracy (pronunciation, intonation & word segmentation), speed and prosody.
Day 6
- Interpretive Task: Extended reading task, identifying key information in their classmates’ email texts.
Interpretive Task: Extensive Reading
Match emails with illustrations
- This task provides students the opportunity to do extensive reading.
- Teacher selects five email-texts that students were assigned to complete in Day 4 as homework. For each email, create a worksheet as demonstrated in (Day 6 student email sample.) Label each email with an alphabet, such as A-F.
- Make copies of the five texts for each student.
- Find 5 illustrations of their best friends that match with the 5 selected email texts. The illustrations were drawn by students for Interview Task (task sheet #2). Label the 5 illustrations with numbers 1-5. Then, select another 5 illustrations, labeling 6-10. Post the 10 illustrations on the white board.
- Gallery Walk
- Ask the students to skim the 5 email-texts, identifying the main points of each paragraph in the email and the features of the person described in each email, using the worksheets.
- Students walk around the classroom to view the 10 illustrations. This task can be done in silence and individually, or completed by pairs.
- At the end of the activity, teacher collects the completed worksheets
- As a whole class, match each email with its illustration.
Type an email based on the hand-written texts.