Complete Unit K-5
Day-to-day lesson plans and activities you can use in your classroom

Day 1
- Review calender, and words for weather conditions, seasons,
- Activate the background knowledge about seasons
- Understand the word 运气 (luck)
- Make predictions about the unit theme
Opening/Activity 1
- Review calendar: 前年,去年,今年,十月五号。。
weather conditions: 下雨,下雪,刮风,晴天,阴天,很热,很冷,很凉快,很暖和
seasons: 春天,夏天,秋天,冬天 (Students already learned how to say and use these words, but they have not learned to write and recognize the characters.)
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
- Introduce the word 运气 by showing the PPT slides (day1 act4 yunqi) about lucky people and unlucky people. Teach phrases 运气好,运气不好.
- Show the unit theme: 天气还是运气?Ask students to guess what title is about. Encourage them to give a scenario
Closing./Activity 5
Day 2
- Recognize the new words of the 4 seasons
- Learn the radicals and word structure (including stroke orders) and 2-character words expanded from the season characters
Opening/ Activity 1
- Review calender and weather
- Sing the song 四季歌
Activity 2
- Use the flashcards to demonstrate the characters 春、夏、秋、冬
- Introduxe the on-line tool http://www.mdbc.net to students, and demonstrate how to use it for learning the structure, definition, radicals, and simplified/traditional version of the characters.
- Let students to practice writing characters on mini-dry erase board. Guide the students to pay attention of the stroke orders.
- If your students have ipads, let students use free app Storykit to write characters. When you type the words, you will see a globe on the bottom left. You can click it, and it changes into English, 简体拼音or 简体手写. For 简体手写, when you write the character with correct stroke orders, the charcters will show up on the right. You can choose it. When the stroke order is wrong. it won't show the correct character. ( Sotrykit will be used again in later lessons. To know more about Storykid, see the following linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSWQkUS4kXk )
Activity 3: Make the words
Activity 4
- Sing the song 四季歌 and ask students to identify the characters for the four seasons.
Day 3
- Recognize the meaning of the radicals 三点水、两点水、四点火
- Identify the radicals in some new characters
- Predicit the meaning of new characters by using the radical knowledge
Opening/ Activity 1
- Review calender, weather, and seasons
- Sing the song 四季歌
Activity 2
- Show PPT slides (day3 act 2 radical learning) about the three changes of three phases of water. (suggestion Collaborate with a science teacher and finish the experiment in a science class. Videotape the process and then review it in the Chinese claaa.)
- Bring four bottles of water (ice water, cold water, warm water, hot water) to the class and let students to feel them and encourge them to tell their feelings such as very cold, cold, warm, and hot (很凉、凉、不凉不热、热).
- Show the words in Slide 5 and ask students to work in pairs to categorize the characters in the group of 三点水、两点水、四点火, and see if students can figure out the meaning of these three radicals.
- Use Slide 6 to summarize the learning
Closing/Activity 4
- Exit slip; students use the radical knowledge to identify the meaning of new characters. (day3 act 4 exit slip)
Day 4
- Identify 2-characters Chinese words that are composed by the combination of "noun + noun"
- Identify verbs phrases that is composed by a verb + noun phrase
Opening/ Activity 1
- REview calender and weather
- Sing the song 四季歌
- Review the words 春天、夏天、秋天、冬天
Activity 2
Activity 3
- Use the last two slides of the PPT (day4 act 2 noun+noun combination) to introduce verb phrases that is combined of a verb and a noun combination.
- Give more examples of the words they have learned, such as 吃饭,开车,打球,跑步.Ask students to identify the verbs and noun.
- Use flash pictures of the following to identify which characters are verbs and which are nouns ( All of these verbs phrases are in the texr of 北京的四季活动 and 天气还是运气.)
Activity 4
- Students work in pairs. Each pair is given the text 天气还是运气 without highlight or underline (day4 act 4 3-character words in yungi text).
- First, ask the students to scan the text and underline the words composed of 'noun + noun'.
- Second, ask the students to color code the verbs phrases composed of a verb + noun above.
- In (day4 act4 2-character words in yungi text), the underlined words and color-highlighted words are shown.
Activity 5- word formation games
First game: Forming noun+noun words.
- Put the cards of characters that are nouns in two boxes, for examples. box A includes 春老秋冬水火天 and box B includes 气锅风师日果草.
- Students are divided into two groups. The two groups takes turn assigning a member to pick up a noun from each box. The student combines the two nouns, form a word and say the meaning of the word.
- The group that forms most of the words and state the correct meanning of those words is the winner.
Second game: Forming verb+noun words/phrases
- It is similar to the first game. except box A includes verbs such as, 吃,放,划,看,打, and box B including nouns such as 球,红叶,饭,船,风筝.
Closing/Activity 6
Day 5
- Name the activities that people usualy engage in different seasons.
- Use the sentence patterns, time+verb+去+place+activity, to describe various activities engaged in certain seasons such as
- 我夏天喜欢去湖边游泳.
- Identify some activies favored in certain places in Beijing
Opening/Activity 1
- Review calendars, weather, and seasons
- Sing the song 四季歌
Activity 2
- Review activity words. Show the flash cards of activities mentioned in 北京的四季活动, such as 放风筝,划船,看红叶, 爬山,吃火锅, and other activities they have learned before, such as 打球,游泳, 吃饭,买东西。。
- Ask the students to read the names of activities aloud.
- charade game: Divide students to two groups. Group A will pick a student who will stand in front of the class and back to the board. Show a PPT slide with an activity word on the board without pictures. Then, the other students in the same team have to act out the activity, and the selected student should say the word. If he/she says it correctly, the team wins a point. And then it will be group B’s turn. The team with the most points wins the game.
Activity 3
- Use the 3 slides in PPT (day 5 act 3 go place activity) to demonstrate the sentence pattern: 去+place+ activity.
- For each slide, first ask the question这是哪儿. Then, ask 你去哪儿做什么. Lastly, show the response我去+place+activity.
- Also, for each slide, ask students to identify the order of the three components in each sentence: 去, place and activity.
Activity 4
- Show the video of Beijing and introduce the places 天安门广场,长城北海,香山. Use the flash cards, labeled with names in characters and pinyin, of these places. Practice the pronunciation.
- Show the PPT slides of 北京的四季活动 (day 5 act 4 Bejing four seasons) and lead the students to read aloud each sentence.
- Select indiviual students to say those sentences.
Activity 5
- Prepare cards for the sentence components for the 5 sentences in北京的四季活动.
- 春天我去天安门广场放风筝。
- 夏天我去北海划船。
- 秋天我去香山看红叶。
- 冬天我去长城爬山。
- 冬天我在家里吃火锅。
- For example, for the first sentence, make the cards as follows (or students can make them) and cut them to five cards.
- Divice students in groups of five. Each group is given a set of 5 cards by which they can form a sentence.
- The task for each group is that each member will hold a card and the five students have to form a line in which the cards make a correct sentence.
- After each group forms and displays the sentence. The whole class reads aloud the sentence and check if it is correct. Switch the cards among the groups and do it for another round.
Activity 6
- Exit activity: Let eat of the students describe an activity they do in a certain season including the places.
For example: 冬天,我去加拿大滑雪。
Day 6
- Identify some places in Beijing and the activities that one can do at those places.
- Identify沙尘暴 (a sand storm) in Beijing
- Use the phrases你运气好, 你运气不好
Opening/ Activity 1
- Change the season song to a chant快板. Act out when chanting.
Activity 2
- Divide students in small groups. Give each group a map of Beijing and the flash cards with words长城,天安门广场,北海,香山. The task is to find out these places on the map and then label them with the flash cards. Then, teacher checks the correctness.
- Use the worksheet (day 6 act 2 activities). Ask students to fill the chart based on the text 北京的四季活动. Ask students to think why people like to do those activities at the places.
Activity 3- Sand storms 沙尘暴
- Guide the whole class to answer the following questions after viewing the clips: 你们觉得天气怎么样?是什么样的天气?美国有这样的天气吗?这是夏天还是冬天?……
Activity 4- Fortune teller activity
- List the following weather conditions on the board: 1)下雨 2)下雪 3)刮大风 4) 刮沙尘暴 5)很热 6)很冷 7)不冷不热 8)凉快.
- Divide students in pairs. Ask student A to write the weather conditions with odd numbers on paper, one condition on one piece of paper. Student B writes all words with even numbers. Then, each pair folds the pieces paper and mixs them together, and puts them in the middle of their table.
- Review the word 运气 using the PPT used in day 1 (day 1 act 4 yunqi).
- Demonstrate how to play the game “Fortune teller”.
- Each pair is given a set of pictures from the PPT (day 5 act 4 Beijing four seasons). The pictures should be faced down. Student A will pick a picture and read the sentence on it. For example, 春天, 我去天安门广场放风筝。
- Then, Student B will pick a piece of folded paper and read it. For example, 刮沙尘暴. Student B should say to the student A 你运气不好。If the paper says 不冷不热, student B will say 你运气好。
- And then, switch the roles. Student A will pick a piece of paper, and Student B a picture.
Closing/ Activity 5
- Encourage students to edit the chant by adding an unexpected weather in the end. For examples,
Day 7
- Identify the main ideas from the topic by scanning the whole text.
- Identify the supporting details.
- Arrange sentences into a coherent paragraph
- Infer the meaning of some new words in a passage.
Opening/ Activity 1
- Review calendar, weather and seasons
- Say the chant快板. Act out when chanting.
Activity 2- Identify the main idea
- Show Yunfeng’s posting on his blog. http://blog.ci123.com/biantian (day 7 act 2 blog posting).
- Read the posting to students.
- Ask the students to read aloud the text. Give students the opportunity to ask for sound verification or vocabulary meaning. (Provide an audio clip of the posting in case some students cannot read independently).
- Divide the students in pairs. Give each pair the following statements. The task for each pair is to discuss and circle one statement that expresses the main idea of the post.
- Then ask each pair to scan the text again to circle the sentence that expresses the main idea of the post. (一年四个季节我都有运气不好的时候。是北京的天气不好还是我的运气不好呢?)
Activity 3- Timeline chart
Divide the blog postimg into 5 sections: (day7 act2 blog posting)
- (1)今年的冬天不冷。上周六, 爸爸妈妈要带我去长城。可是,周六早上下大雪了。我们只好在家吃火锅。吃火锅的时候,我问爸爸妈妈是北京的天气不好还是我的运气不好?
- (2)他们不明白我的问题,我说去年的春天,有一天天气很好,风不大,也不小。我和我的朋友去天安门广场放风筝。突然, 沙尘暴来了。我们只好回家了
- (3)两年前的夏天。爸爸妈妈带我去北海划船。那天很热。可是,突然下大雨了。
- (4)今年的秋天我运气最不好。老师带我们去香山看红叶。那天很凉快。我们看到树叶有红的、有黄的、有绿的,非常漂亮。可是那天风非常大。我们只好下山了。
- (5)一年四个季节我都有运气不好的时候。是北京的天气不好还是我的运气不好呢?
- As discussed in activity 1, Section (5) includes a statement that expresses the main idea of the posting.
- Divide the class into four groups. Each group is assigned a section (either 1, 2, 3, or 4).
- Cut each section to four parts (see the following chart) using different colors, such as blue, green, orange and red. Ask each group to arrange the parts to form a correct sentence.
- Ask each group to fill out the years in the top boxes for each evetn.
- After they form the sentence, ask students to match each part’s function with time, event, cause or result (blue cards indicating time, green for event, orange for cause, red for result).

Activity 4
- Divide the students in small groups and give each group the following questions.
- After group discussion, the teacher selects individual students randomly to provide the answers for each of the questions.
- 云凤跟爸妈去北海做什么?什么时候去的?
- 谁去香山看红叶了?什么时候去的?那天天气怎么样?
- 云凤跟朋友天安门广场做什么?什么时候去的?
- 云风一家什么时候要去长城了? 他们去了吗?为什么?
- 云风一家去北海划船的时候, 天气怎么样?然后他们会去哪儿?
- 云风和老师、同学爬香山了吗?为什么?
- 根据上下文,说一说“只好”是什么意思?(Based on the context, guess the meaning of “只好”.)
- 为什么云风问是北京的天气不好还是我的运气不好呢?
Day 8
- Review the material learned from Day1-Day7.
- Complete the drawings for the presentation task in Day 10.
Opening/ Activity 1
- Let students to listen to the audio of the blog posting.
- Popcorn reading: Choose a student to read the first two sentences and then the student says "popcorn to (爆米花)....." and pick someone to continue reading where he/she stops. (The teacher demonstrates correct pronunciation of the text and corrects students’ pronunciation and provides more exercise and assistance if needed. )
- If it is applicable, let students to record their reading by using Vocaroo (http://vocaroo.com). And generate a QR code so they can hear each other’s reading via iPad.
Activity 2
- Retell the posting. Show a PPT slide with the posting (Day 8 act 2 fill in the blank). Leave the blanks in the posting.
- Divide students into two teams. The teacher will read the post and ask questions about the blank words/phrases. The team that provides a correct answer first wins a point. The teacher will count the points and announce the winner in the end.
Activity 3
- Students work in pairs. Give each pair the following questions.
- In a pair, Student A chooses two questions randomly and Student B chooses another two.
- The two students ask each other questions and record their partners’ reply.
- The teacher will select several students to report their findings.
Activity 4- Picture book
- Ask students to divide a paper into four sections, and write the Chinese characters 一、二、三、四 on the upper left corner in each section.
- Ask students to draw four pictures to share a similar outing experience as Yunfeng’s, that is affected by some special weather condition. If students do not have such an experience, ask them to create a story.
- In the first section, draw the season and weather. In the second section, draw the place of the outing and the activity one can do there. Draw the unexpected weather in the third section. Lastly, in the fourth section, draw the result of the outing or a change of plan. (If it is applicable, consider use the free app for iPad StoryKit to do this activity.See the link as how to use StoryKit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSWQkUS4kXk )
Activity 5
- Invite some students to share their picture books with the class. Collect the picture books and save for next lesson.
Day 9
- Read a city’s monthly weather report.
- Compare the weather differences and the activities on can do in 4 cities.
- Interpersonal assessment: compare the weather in Beijing and in their hometown
Opening/ Activity 1
- Review calendar, weather and seasons
- Sing the song 四季歌
Activity 2
- Students work in pairs. Give each pair a worksheet (Day 9 act 2 reading activity).
- The worksheet displays the weather of Hong Kong from 7/20-8/3. Each pair chooses the correct statements based on the weather report.
- The teacher selects some students to provide the correct answers after all of the pairs complete the task.
Activity 3
- Use the weather map PPT in (Day 9 act 3 weather map)
- The slide shows the season changes in China in September. The mpa shows that most places are changing to autumn weather. Some places are still in summer and a couple of areas are already in winter.
- Students work in pairs and find out the season for each of the following cities: 西安,上海,台北,哈尔滨.
- Then, each pair decides which city they want to go. Then, search online about the city and find two activities one can do there.
- Each pair reports the weather of the city and what they want to do there.
Activity 4
- This is an interpersonal assessment.
- Divide students in pairs. Each pair is given information sheet A and B (Day 9 act 4 interpersonal task). The teacher can change the city in the US, depending on where his/her school is located.
- The partners in each pair will exchange the weather information and find out each other’s weekend plan.
- Use (Day 9 act 4 interpersonal rubric) to assess students’ speaking. The information gathered from their partners will be evaluated too (the last criteria in the rubric).
Day 10
- Write one’s outing experience in a blog (presentational assessment)
Opening/ Activity 1- Reread Yunfeng's post
- Show Yunfeng’s blog posting in http://blog.ci123.com/biantian. Demonstrate how to post comments on the blog. (Reserve a computer lab or a library with computers for each student. Set a class account so that it is easy for teachers to manage it. )
Actvity 2- Presentational Assessment
- Show students the presentational rubric (Day 10 presentational rubric).
- Give the picture books collected in previous day back to students. Guide them to write descriptions for each picture, using the chart in Day 7 as example.
- Help students to post the writings in Yunfeng's blog. They also can post photograpgs or scan their picture books.
Day 11
- Identify the main message of the blog postings written by the classmates.
Opening/ Activity 1
- Divide students in pairs. Give each pair a comprehension check form (Day 11 comprehension check).
- Teacher choosse one posting to demonstrate the task.
- Go through the content with the whole class. Ask students to identify the main messages and fill in the information in the comprehension check form.
Actvity 2
- Each pair is required to read 3 postings, and fill out the form with the main information of eact outing experience: place, the activity, the change of weather, and the result.
- Each pair will submit the form as exit slip. Teacher will check the accuracy of the information and give them feedback.
Day 12
- Apply word recognition and reading strategies to interpret a new text and respond to the multiple or short answer questions
Opening/ Activity 1
- Show a world map and point out where Taiwan and Taibei are.
Activity 2- Interpretive Assessment
- Students will read a text about the seasons in Taibei 台北的四季 (Day12 interpretive assessment) and apply word recognition and reading strategies to read a new paragraph and respond to the multiple and short answer questions.
Activity 3
- After collecting the assessment, show the test on the board and lead the class to read it. Encourage students to ask questions about the vocabulary or sentence structures. Help students to check the answers.